Keynote Speakers:
We are proud and honored to present the following:
Andreas Hansen

Andreas Hansen is Director of the WFP Nordic Office based at the UN City in Copenhagen. In this role, Andreas leads WFP’s strategic engagement with Nordics governments, political stakeholders, foundations, private sector, academia and other partners. Collectively, the Nordic governments contributed more than US$ 530 million to WFP in 2022 making the Nordics the 3rd largest donor to WFP. Andreas has more than 15 years’ experience in humanitarian, development and political affairs. He first joined WFP as a programme officer in Ethiopia in 2011 and has since served in programme and partnership roles with WFP Somalia, in WFP HQ in Rome and most recently as Head of Partnerships and Innovation at the WFP Regional Bureau for East Africa in Nairobi. In this role, Andreas launched the WFP IGNITE Innovation Hub for East Africa, the first regional innovation hub in WFP focused on nurturing locally-driven innovations for food security and climate resilience.
Kristin Schreiber

Kristin Schreiber leads the Directorate Ecosystems I: Chemicals, Food, Retail, Health in DG GROW, the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission.
After obtaining the Diplôme de l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (with a special focus on International Relations, Economics and European Law), a Master's degree from the University of Kent at Canterbury and the Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies of the College of Europe in Bruges, she worked as a Graduate Lecturer at the University of Kent in Canterbury and a researcher on the Single Market in Bonn. Kristin Schreiber joined the European Commission in 1990 and was appointed to her current position in March 2021 after serving as Director for Governance of the Single Market and International Affairs in DG Internal Market (until 2015) and Director for SME policy in DG GROW (until March 2021).
Previously in the European Commission, Kristin Schreiber was Head of Cabinet of Employment Commissioner Vladimir Špidla, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier and member of the Cabinets of Enlargement Commissioner Günter Verheugen and Competition Commissioner Karel Van Miert. She also served as Head of Unit for International Affairs in the DG for Employment and Social Affairs and was a member of the Merger Task Force of DG Competition.
Merete Daniel Nielsen

Merete Daniel Nielsen is the founder and director of Cluster Excellence Denmark where she has designed and implemented the cluster support program while advising the Danish government on cluster policy for 15 years. Since 2018 she holds the Presidency for TCI Network – the leading global network for people and organisations working in clusters and innovation ecosystems with 500+ active members and 9.000 practitioners spanning over 111 countries. TCI Network create global connections, inspire clusters and improve policy learning. Merete advises on cluster policy on a global level, act as a matchmaker for clusters and is a frequent keynote as she spreads the word on clusters and the power of collaboration.
Emiliano Duch

Emiliano Duch is one of the leading experts in cluster based economic development. He retired from the World Bank in April, where he was Global Lead in Value Chains for ten years. Before joining the bank, he was in the IESE Business School, as Director of its Competitiveness Summer School and Coordinator of the European Union’s Cluster Excellence Initiative. He was also the founder of The Cluster Competitiveness Group and the founding chairman of The Competitiveness Institute (TCI). He has a degree in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and an MPA and an MBA from Harvard University.
Christian Waldstrøm

Christian Waldstrøm, PhD, is associate professor and deputy head of department at Aarhus University and considered one of the leading Danish researchers in the field of organizational networks and social network analysis. Christian is also a lively and engaging keynote speaker and has been awarded Lecturer of the Year. He has a vast experience from industry consulting about networks and is the author of several books including ’Corporate Networking’.
David Hughes

Dr. David Hughes is Emeritus Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College London, and Visiting Professor at the Royal Agricultural University, U.K. As “Dr. Food”, he is a much sought-after speaker at international conferences and seminars on global food industry issues, particularly consumer and retail trends. David has lived and worked in Europe, North America, the Caribbean, Africa and South East Asia and has extensive experience as an international advisory board member with agri-food companies.
David was a founding partner in a hydroponic fresh produce company in Florida, USA and a Director of Berry Gardens for 20 years (a farmer-owned berry business and the UK’s largest fresh berry supplier). He is a dual national of Canada and the UK.
Majbritt Skov

Majbritt Skov is a partner in Deloitte, Chief Economist and Head of Deloitte Economics in Denmark. She has 15 years of experience as an economic advisor in strategic decision-making processes in both the private and public sector. Majbritt is an expert in the valuation of non-market goods and the environmental, social and economic return of investments. She supports organisations and investors in assessing their impact and the value of sustainability and ESG-related risks and opportunities from both a commercial and societal perspective.
Lars Visbech Sørensen
Lars Visbech Sørensen is the CEO of the national cluster Food & Bio Cluster Denmark. The cluster was established in 2021 as one of the 13 national clusters receiving funding from the cluster programme Innovation Power. With the ambitious goal for the cluster to be become globally competitive and recognised as a world leader in innovation and sustainable development of the entire value chain, then under the management of Lars Visbech Sørensen, then the cluster recently obtained GOLD for Cluster Management Excellence thriving to become a Supercluster. With the establishment of the "Global Food Alliance" at this Summit, Lars Visbech Sørensen is taking the cluster to a new level of excellence.